David Shattuck

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Surface Mesh Space #4992
    David Shattuck

    Hello –

    The mesh is relative to the voxel coordinates. We don’t have a file for the mesh transform, but its coordinates are all relative to the voxel grid of the input image.

    The units for the surface are in mm, and we use voxel-centered coordinates.

    How large of a shift are you seeing?

    Anand is one of the developers of the software, as am I.


    in reply to: Sample script with similar options as GUI #4989
    David Shattuck

    Sorry for the slow reply — the scripts that are in the bin folder (brainsuite_anatomical_pipeline.sh and brainsuite_anatomical_pipeline.bat) use the same settings as the GUI and should produce identical results.

    David Shattuck

    in reply to: Displaying 2 tracts on 1 FA image #4988
    David Shattuck

    hello –

    We don’t currently have a feature to load multiple sets of streamlines at the same time. I’m considering adding it for the next version.

    David Shattuck

    in reply to: Cortical surface file conversion #4856
    David Shattuck

    hi Huizhang –

    All of the command-line programs in the BrainSuite bin dir that write surface files should save them as .stl files if you use the .stl extension for the output file. The caveat to this is that stl files don’t carry enough information for the BrainSuite pipelines to use them as inputs, so effectively you would need to run a step twice to get a .dfs version and a .stl version. We don’t have a file converter program included with the software, but I will probably add one for the next release.

    You could try this with dfs if you have a mask file. Below is an example on my Mac. You can see it generates a .stl file.

    shattuck:~>/Applications/BrainSuite21a/bin/dfs -i /Applications/BrainSuite21a/svreg/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas/BCI-DNI_brain.cortex.dewisp.mask.nii.gz -o brain.stl
    wrote surface file brain.stl
    shattuck:~>head brain.stl
    solid brain.stl
    facet normal 0 0 0
    outer loop
    vertex 46.5981 106.954 80.565
    vertex 46.1262 106.945 80.6693
    vertex 46.4666 106.725 80.639
    facet normal 0 0 0
    outer loop


    in reply to: Is there a direct download link for BrainSuite? #4827
    David Shattuck

    Hello — that is the only download link we have.


    in reply to: Automation of multiple Fibertrack saves #4824
    David Shattuck

    Hi Adrien –

    It took a little longer than expected because we have been preparing a major release of BrainSuite (v23a, out now), as well as an updated BrainSuite BIDS App. We were making some improvements to the underlying methods, including some optimizations in how the streamline filtering is performed.

    The new package includes a program call filterdft, which is in the bin directory. You can use it to perform all of the filtering options that are available in the GUI. These are performed (in order, but the order shouldn’t matter):

    * remove streamlines shorter than the length threshold if specified (-l setting)
    * remove streamlines that intersect labels in the exclude list (specified as –exclude # # #)
    * remove streamlines based on spherical ROI filters if specified (uses an xml file)
    * remove streamlines unless they intersect labels in the include list (specified as –include # # #)

    By default, it will use an or operation for the final check, so if you wanted to include all streamlines that intersect the superior frontal gyri, you would run:

    filterdft -i input.dft -o output.dft --include 120 121

    You can use the –and flag if you want to have the streamlines go through *all* labels specified, e.g,. if you want to find streamlines that connect the brainstem (800) and cerebellum (900), you would use:

    filterdft -i input.dft -o output.dft --include 800 900 --and

    The full set of options is listed below.

    Let me know if that provides the functionality that you need.


    usage: filterdft [settings]
    required settings:
    -i                       input file
    -o                       output file
    -l filename                    label volume (must be 16-bit)
    optional settings:
    --license                      show the license information
    -g                             debug
    -v                      verbosity [default: 0]
    --length length                length threshold [default: 0]
    --include           labelID1 ...  labelIDN (include these labels)
    --exclude           labelID1 ...  labelIDN (exclude these labels)
    --and                          tracks must pass through all labels in include list
    --dont-merge                   don't merge cortical gm/wm labels
    -s filename                    sphere ROI xml file
    in reply to: Automation of multiple Fibertrack saves #4799
    David Shattuck

    hi Adrien –

    I’m working on it — still need to do some testing. Will follow up by email soon with a few questions.


    in reply to: question for BDP installation and usage #4784
    David Shattuck

    I am not near a Windows machine at the moment, but I just tried this on Linux using the data from https://brainsuite.org/tutorials/dtiexercise/ and it started. I copied the arguments from your post.

    I will try it on Windows later today and get back to you.

    BrainSuiteTutorialDWI>/opt/BrainSuite21a/bdp/bdp.sh 2523412.bfc.nii.gz --tensor --nii 2523412.dwi.nii.gz -g 2523412.dwi.bvec -b 2523412.dwi.bval
    BDP Version: 21a (build #0081), released 2021-05-05
                             Setting up dataset and inputs
    Reading input flags...
    Checking input files...
    .mask.nii.gz file found: 2523412.mask.nii.gz
    BDP will use this file as brain mask. You can specify a custom brain mask by
    using flag --t1-mask . The custom mask must overlay correctly
    with input BFC image in BrainSuite.
    Processing data with fileprefix:
                       Co-registration and Distortion Correction
    Reading the input parameters for co-registration...
    Total memory (physical+swap) found: 126.53GB
    in reply to: question for BDP installation and usage #4781
    David Shattuck

    If you enclose your text with pre tags, it should show it as you wrote it. [code] doesn’t work, unfortunately. pre uses angle brackets rather than square brackets.

    in reply to: question for matlab installation and version #4774
    David Shattuck

    If you install Matlab or the Matlab runtime library to the default location, the scripts should find it. If you installed it somewhere else, you can set an environment variable ‘BrainSuiteMCR’ on Linux or Mac before running the script. For Linux, the default for the Matlab runtime would be:

    export BrainSuiteMCR="/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v97"

    or for the full Matlab install:

    export BrainSuiteMCR="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b/runtime"

    Note that this is different for Mac.

    You can also edit the scripts in the BrainSuite svreg and bdp folders, but setting an environment variable will be easier.

    You shouldn’t need to do this for Windows, because Windows stores the location in its registry.


    in reply to: question for BDP installation and usage #4761
    David Shattuck

    hello –

    Our forum software changes how hyphens appear, so it can be difficult to tell exactly what you wrote. I think you have two hyphens before g and b, but these should only have one. Try running this:

    "C:\Program Files\BrainSuite21a\bdp\bdp.exe" 2523412.bfc.nii.gz --tensor –-nii 2523412.dwi.nii.gz -g 2523412.dwi.bvec -b 2523412.dwi.bval

    and see if that fixes the problem.


    in reply to: Automation of multiple Fibertrack saves #4751
    David Shattuck

    If you send an email to support at brainsuite.org, I’ll see what I can do. Let me know what platform (Mac/Win/Linux) you are using.


    in reply to: Automation of multiple Fibertrack saves #4749
    David Shattuck

    Hello –

    I have written some command-line tools that can probably do this. I thought we were distributing them, but I just checked and they aren’t in the public release yet.

    Can you be more specific about what you are trying to do and what steps you are taking? Are you trying to give it pairs of ROIs and save out a .dft file?


    in reply to: question for matlab installation and version #4673
    David Shattuck

    You will need to install Matlab Runtime 2019b if you don’t have Matlab 2019b installed. The programs for BDP and SVReg are built using the Matlab Compiler for version 2019b, so they require that specific version of the runtime libraries.

    There won’t be a conflict with your existing installation. The files are located in a separate directory and the different versions of Matlab products will load the appropriate libraries.


    in reply to: Export File to .stl #3841
    David Shattuck

    Hi — it’s actually very easy. When you have a surface file loaded in BrainSuite, you can just save it and use a .stl extension. From the Surface Display toolbox, you would select the surface you want to save, click on the save icon, and type a filename ending in .stl.

    However, I just tried this on my Mac running Monterey (12.6) and it now won’t let me do that. I think this is a recent change with the OS, so I’ll fix that in the next release. It should still work on Linux or Windows.

    Give that a try and let me know how it goes. What surface are you trying to print?

    David Shattuck

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