question for matlab installation and version

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    • #4670

      I have already installed Matlab 2021b, do I still need to install Matlab Runtime 2019? Will there be any conflicts

    • #4673
      David Shattuck

      You will need to install Matlab Runtime 2019b if you don’t have Matlab 2019b installed. The programs for BDP and SVReg are built using the Matlab Compiler for version 2019b, so they require that specific version of the runtime libraries.

      There won’t be a conflict with your existing installation. The files are located in a separate directory and the different versions of Matlab products will load the appropriate libraries.


      • #4772
        Xin Wen

        How should I set path to MATLAB2019b?
        Thank you

      • #4774
        David Shattuck

        If you install Matlab or the Matlab runtime library to the default location, the scripts should find it. If you installed it somewhere else, you can set an environment variable ‘BrainSuiteMCR’ on Linux or Mac before running the script. For Linux, the default for the Matlab runtime would be:

        export BrainSuiteMCR="/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v97"

        or for the full Matlab install:

        export BrainSuiteMCR="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b/runtime"

        Note that this is different for Mac.

        You can also edit the scripts in the BrainSuite svreg and bdp folders, but setting an environment variable will be easier.

        You shouldn’t need to do this for Windows, because Windows stores the location in its registry.


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