David Shattuck

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  • in reply to: Cerebrum Labelling with custom atlas and label files #120
    David Shattuck

    Hi Rachel –

    There are a few other flags that need to be set to run cerebro. If you look at the cortical extraction script distributed with BrainSuite, which is probably located at /Applications/BrainSuite15b/bin/cortical_extraction.sh on your machine, there is a line for cerebro:

    ${BrainSuiteBin}cerebro $VERBOSE $ATLASES -i ${basename}.bfc.$EXT \
    -l ${basename}.hemi.label.$EXT -m ${basename}.mask.$EXT -o ${basename}.cerebrum.mask.$EXT \
    -c 2 –air ${basename}.air –warp ${basename}.warp ${CEREBROOPTIONS}

    Replacing these with the arguments from your command and ignoring some empty variables yields:

    cerebro –atlas ${workingdir}/inia19-t1-brain_16bit.img –atlaslabels ${workingdir}/inia-struct.img \
    -i e3834_OxM130_AP.nii -o ${workingdir}/e3834_OxM130_AP.cerebrum.mask.nii.gz \
    -l ${basename}.hemi.label.$EXT -m ${basename}.mask.$EXT \
    -c 2 –air ${basename}.air –warp ${basename}.warp

    The -c 2 flag is the one that should fix your issue (it controls the cost function used by AIR during the linear registration step).

    You will need the other flags to complete the cortical extraction and SVReg labeling process.-l and -m save the hemisphere labels and cerebrum mask, which are used later for hemisphere splitting and pial surface expansion. The .air and .warp files save the transformation files and are used to initialize parts of the SVReg registration.

    You could also edit the cortical extraction script to change the atlas files. These lines (38-40) are where it is specified.

    ATLASES=”–atlas ${ATLAS} –atlaslabels ${ATLASLABELS}”

    Let us know if this solves your issue.


    in reply to: bdp problem with nii.gz on windows #109
    David Shattuck

    Hi Stefan –

    I’m glad to hear it is working now. My best guess is that the file was uncompressed at some point, but retained the .gz extension. The file readers that I use in the GUI and command line tools will open files whether they are compressed or not, regardless of the extension, but the readers used in BDP will explicitly decompress .gz files before processing them. If you are curious and still have the original file, you could check whether or not the files is the same size as your uncompressed volume.

    David Shattuck

    in reply to: bdp problem with nii.gz on windows #103
    David Shattuck

    Hi Steso –

    The slow startup is due to MCR. It takes some time to load all of the Matlab libraries, unfortunately. I am not aware of a way to get around it, but we will look into it.

    What did you use to try to unzip it?

    It is possible that the file is corrupt. Does the BrainSuite gui open it correctly?

    David Shattuck

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