SVreg err .

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    • #1413

      hello,professor ,when i using this soft ,do sverg it shows like below ,
      1\20180623_150652MA_HUIMRJYFY_HEAD00030001201806231742027031251619442018fl3D1x1x1sagMAHUIs003a1001 D:\Program Files\BrainSuite17a\svreg\BrainSuiteAtlas1\mri left -v1
      Executing: D:\Program Files\BrainSuite17a\svreg\bin\svreg_label_surf_hemi.exe C:\Users\imagingdocotor\Desktop\MA HUI 1\20180623_150652MA_HUIMRJYFY_HEAD00030001201806231742027031251619442018fl3D1x1x1sagMAHUIs003a1001 D:\Program Files\BrainSuite17a\svreg\BrainSuiteAtlas1\mri right -v1
      Error running surface labeling. Processing halted.
      left log:
      Labeling left hemisphere
      Error using copyfile

      Error in svreg_label_surf_hemi (line 92)


      right log:
      Labeling right hemisphere
      Error using copyfile

      Error in svreg_label_surf_hemi (line 92)


    • #1418
      Anand Joshi

      Based on ϵͳ�Ҳ���ָ����·���� in the error message, the error is probably due to language settings.
      Can you try renaming the file to some name that only uses plain characters?

    • #1433

      Hi I am creating a custom atlas on a wolf brain and I’ve been running into some error messages when trying to run svreg_make_atlas. I’ve tried this recently with an available human scan and received the same message. Kindly advise as I cant seem to place what I’m doing wrong. With both images I have run the complete CSE sequence and receive an output of cortical thickness values in the roistats file along with several other file outputs required for svreg. When I check the location, all the files appear to be in the right place but still receive an error that says “2523412.left.inner.cortex.svreg.dfs: : No such file or directory. I’ve rerun the CSE sequence a few times (including surface/volume registration) as I worried that file might have been corrupted but still no luck. I’d really appreciate any guidance.

      Thank you, Muhammad

      The error I am receiving is shown below

      L-ITS2974-MBP:bin mspocter$ ./ ~/Users/mspocter/Desktop/TrialBrainsuite/BrainSuiteTutorialCSE/2523412 /Applications/BrainSuite18a/svreg/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas/BCI-DNI_brain -E
      Error using copyfile
      cp: /Users/mspocter/Users/mspocter/Desktop/TrialBrainsuite/BrainSuiteTutorialCSE/2523412.left.inner.cortex.svreg.dfs: No such file or directory

      Error in svreg_make_atlas (line 38)


    • #1516
      Anand Joshi

      does this file exist?

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