There’s a bug in bdp/BDP16a_src/helper_tools/suffix_filename.m where matlab throws an error if the input filename is shorter than 12(?) characters:
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Error in suffix_filename (line 7)
Error in bdp_setup (line 884)
Error in BrainSuite_Diffusion_pipeline (line 13)
suffix_filename.m starts with a set of strcmps like
if strcmp(fname(end-12:end), ‘.label.nii.gz’)
^ Matlab throws an error if end < 12
Could you alter suffix_filename.m to not do those strcmps if fname is too short to match the suffix?
I hit this by working on a batch of subjects where I had put everybody in their own directory, and was using standard filenames like t1tiv.nii. Renaming t1tiv.nii to xx_t1tiv.nii worked.