Show one ROI only

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    • #918

      the time of the next publication nears and I would like to project my results as nice as possible.
      With Brainsuite are very nice pictures created, especially after the brain labelling.
      The thing is, however, that I cannot isolate the ROI that I need and are all shown at the same time.
      Is there a way to see in color the ROI that I want and all other in grey or other color?
      Let’s say, I need to present my results about the Amygdala. Is there a way to see the region in color while the rest not?

      Thank you,

    • #919
      David Shattuck

      Hi Leo –

      There isn’t a direct way, but you can easily create a mask from the label file. There is a tool in the Delineation Toolbox called “Label Mask Tool” (it’s at the bottom of the toolbox). If you first press “Update List” and then select your structure, you can press “Make Mask” to generate a mask volume for just that object (this will overwrite whatever is currently in the mask buffer). If you then save this mask out, you could load it in as a label. It would be set to 255 for your structure, and 0 for everywhere else.

      Will that give you what you need?

      David Shattuck

    • #923

      I am really sorry, I didn’t see your message before. I will try it out and tell you.
      I think it should be enough!

    • #924

      So, I did it and played a little with the viewing options. It works really good.

      However, I receive, after saving the new mask, 2 files (*.hdr and *.img) which cannot be opened as labels.

      Is it normal?

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