I noticed a resampling glitch when the dMRI is warped to a T1 with an oblique sform:

The glitch appears as one or more diagonal fault planes that are more or less conspicuous depending on the local contrast – the screenshot shown is from the worst case on the inferior edge of the CC.
The T1’s sform is
srow_x 280 4 1.195487 -0.00832 -0.0876 -85.916519
srow_y 296 4 0.029844 0.995965 0.197129 -165.741318
srow_z 312 4 0.099596 -0.198567 0.992426 -124.586205
There is no problem when the same T1 is used with sform
srow_x 280 4 1.2 0.0 0.0 -99.663498
srow_y 296 4 0.0 1.0156 0.0 -97.173988
srow_z 312 4 0.0 0.0 1.0156 -128.981201
Has anyone else seen similar problems with obliqued T1s, and is there a possibility of fixing the resampler?