Is there a way to repeat the ‘Cerebrum Labelling’ step when running the Cortical Surface Extraction sequence from the GUI?
I’m getting poor results from this step and want to rerun it with different registration parameters. So far, I have only been able to do this by restarting BrainSuite and redoing all the previous steps in the sequence.
Hello, if have already had a segmented brain volume (possibly contains topology defects and it is saved in the .img format), and I want to directly go to the topology correction step, what should I do? Thx~~~
Similar to initial answer, look for “Restore From Previous..” button on the Topological correction tool-box, which can be open by navigating to menu Cortex > Topology Correction.
Look for “Restore From Previous..” button on the Cerebrum Extraction tool-box, which can be open by navigating to menu Cortex > Cerebrum Labeling. You need to select the original volume which was used for previous step. This is assuming that you did save all the outputs from previous step in the default directory (same as the original volume).