Cerebrum Labeling – alignwarp error

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    • #575


      I have been running the cerebrum labeling step for several subjects, and I have been getting this warning for some of them:

      Performing warp alignment (order=5) of atlas brain to subject brain
      alignwarp.c: 262: WARNING: Registration terminated due to a Hessian matrix that was not positive definite
      Inspection of results is advised

      I get this warning in the GUI as well as the command line. Does anyone know if there’s a way to fix this issue?

      Thank you,


    • #576
      Anand Joshi

      You should check the outputs in case of this warning. Please check outputs at steps 22 and 23 at the following link:
      especially check the green curve showing the cerebrum mask.

      Please make sure that your outputs look like that. If they do, then you can ignore the warning.

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