Reply To: Access Denied after CMC command for BDP


I’ve tried to run the tutorial with the material but to no aveil. I still get the error message access denied and that the app cannot be executed. I’ve also tried repairing in admin mode with sfc/ scannow.
Prompt for reference:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.1466]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

C:\Users\nicad>”D:\Utility\BrainSuite21a\bdp\bdp.exe” C:\Users\nicad\Downloads\BrainSuiteTutorialDWI\2523412.bfc.nii.gz –tensor –FRT –nii C:\Users\nicad\Downloads\BrainSuiteTutorialDWI\2523412.dwi.nii.gz -g C:\Users\nicad\Downloads\BrainSuiteTutorialDWI\2523412.dwi.bvec -b C:\Users\nicad\Downloads\BrainSuiteTutorialDWI\2523412.dwi.bval
Zugriff verweigert
(tensor, FRT and nii all with doubledashes of course)