Reply To: –3dshore


Hi Luca,

BrainSuite16a now supports multiple ODF estimation methods and we plan to add more in the upcoming releases. In this release we support FRT, FRACT and 3DSHORE based ODF estimation.

3D SHORE Analytical ODF estimation method implemented is as described in
[1] Merlet S. et. al, “Continuous diffusion signal, EAP and ODF estimation via Compressive Sensing in diffusion MRI”, Medical Image Analysis, 2013.
[2] Cheng J. et. al, “Theoretical Analysis and Pratical Insights on EAP Estimation via Unified HARDI Framework”, MICCAI workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI, 2011.

In order to use these methods you need to choose them using –frt,–fract or –3dshore flags. All information on flags supported can be accessed using –help command or by accessing ReadMe.html provided with the release. The website will also be updated soon.