Warp in the Surface and Volume Registration (SVReg) ?

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    • #5076

      Hi everyone,

      I want to know in this step, is there a “warp change” of the data to the template? Thank you.

    • #5077

      And it is linear or unlinear?

    • #5078
      Anand Joshi

      The SVReg does nonlinear warping.
      If you want to map data from subject to atlas, you can use
      svreg_apply_map.sh as documented here

      SVReg Binaries and Modules

      Please let me know more details of what you want to do so that I can help with this.

    • #5140

      Thanks a lot.

    • #5144

      In this step, there typically isn’t a “warp change” to the data as it’s being applied to the template. It’s more about aligning or transforming the data to fit the template’s structure. You might want to check how your specific tool handles this, but usually, the warp change happens in a different stage.

    • #5309

      Warp in Surface and Volume Registration (SVReg) refers to the process of aligning 3D anatomical structures by deforming or “warping” the surface and volume data for accurate comparison or analysis. SVReg is commonly used in neuroimaging to align brain scans, ensuring that corresponding regions are matched across different subjects or scans. The warping process compensates for individual anatomical differences, allowing for more precise mapping of structures, improved spatial normalization, and enhanced accuracy in studies involving brain morphology or functional imaging analysis. It’s crucial for accurate data interpretation in medical research.

    • #5310

      Hi experts,
      I have another problem in cerebrum labelling. After I normalized the images (ADNI) to MNI template via linear method, I processed them in the brainsuite 23. I found some images get the wrong edges in the step “cerebrum labelling”, that is the edge is smaller than it should be. And then, I got the wrong files : w002_S_0955.hemi.label.nii.gz, w002_S_0955.init.cortex.mask.nii.gz. I run the raw image (which is not normalized), there is no error. I want to show you the shortcut, but it seems I cannot upload the pictures in the forum. I am not sure if you can understand the problem. Or how can I send you the shortcut pictures of thi error.


    • #5325
      GR Group

      Problems with SVReg (Surface and Volume Registration) warp may result from poor initialization or incorrect alignment. Verify the smoothness and resolution of your volume and surface mesh. Improve registration by utilizing more precise constraints or landmarks. Reducing warp distortion in SVReg results may be possible by adjusting parameters such as regularization or by employing multi-resolution techniques.

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