- This topic has 25 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 6 months ago by
August 2, 2016 at 6:10 am #286
I am working on a Intel ®core ™i7-3770 CPU 3.4 GHz, 8GB RAM, with window 7 professional installed.
Brainsuite15b, Matlab complier 12b, visual basics are installed. Brain extraction, SV reg and BPD are working.
To work on statistics part…I installed R-3.2.2-win.exe, Miniconda-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe downloaded from brainsuite website.
Both programs are located in C:\ProgramFiles folder.
Then I run BSS_Install.bat with Command Prompt (Admin). It installs many files and except for few messages, all soft wares are successfully installed.
>> Setting R Environment to c:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.2\bin\x64\
WARNING: The data being saved is truncated to 1024 characters.
>> Error in read.dcf(file.path(pkgname, “DESCRIPTION”), c(“Package”, “Type”)) :
cannot open the connection
Ultimately the program is installed:
Running setup.py install for bss … done
Successfully installed bss-0.1.dev0
BSS Install Successfully
Press any key to continue . . .
• However… there is no bss folder in brainsuite program folder. bss folder is located in miniconda folder { C:\Program Files\Miniconda\Lib\site-packages\bss }. There is no bin in bss folder. I have tried running python bss_run.py –h from this folder as well as from {C:\Program Files\Miniconda\Scripts }. But it is not working. Please help me, I am stuck at this step.
August 3, 2016 at 4:12 pm #288
This is the correct installation behavior. BSS will not install in the BrainSuite program folder, but will be installed in the Scripts\ directory.
Now there is some issue in setting the PATH where you get the warning,
“WARNING: The data being saved is truncated to 1024 characters.”Can you check if these paths are correctly set?
Can you also post the output of python bss_run.py -h
Shantanu -
August 3, 2016 at 9:49 pm #289
There is no folder named as “directory or “bin” in the scripts folder. However, there is a file in scripts folder named “bss_run.py”. When I try to run the command “python bss_run.py –h” from this folder, the following message comes.C:\Users>cd C:\Program Files\Miniconda\Scripts
C:\Program Files\Miniconda\Scripts> python bss_run.py -h
Error: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
Something happened during imports.
Perhaps R is not installed properly or R_HOME is not setto the correct version
Please send the whole message to the developers.
C:\Program Files\Miniconda\Scripts>I have already posted the warning messages during the installation process.
1. Setting R Environment to c:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.2\bin\x64\
WARNING: The data being saved is truncated to 1024 characters.
2. Error in read.dcf(file.path(pkgname, “DESCRIPTION”), c(“Package”, “Type”)) :
cannot open the connectionI am a radiologist and less familiar with computer commands.
Dr. Zafar Neyaz
Associate Professor
Dept. of Radiodiagnosis
SGPGIMS, Lucknow , U.P. – India -
August 7, 2016 at 11:16 am #291
ModeratorHi Dr. Neyaz,
Looks like the programs are installed but the paths are not set correctly. This relates to the warning of 1024 character path lengths on Windows 7, “WARNING: The data being saved is truncated to 1024 characters.”
Incidentally we have not tested BSS on Windows 7. Just wondering if it’s possible to upgrade your OS to a later version?
Shantanu -
September 15, 2016 at 1:01 am #328
ParticipantHi experts,
The same trouble is happening on my Windows7 PC.
Warning message is the same as above.Will it be fixed soon?
September 15, 2016 at 8:57 am #329
ModeratorDear users,
Bss was tested on Windows 8 and 10. We are currently in the process of getting access to a Windows 7 machine to test these installation problems. Please stay tuned.
Shantanu -
September 28, 2016 at 8:22 am #355
ParticipantPlease provide a single line command for installation of all components of bss for windows 7 /10, so that less experienced uses may install it
September 28, 2016 at 9:48 am #356
ModeratorYes, we are trying to work on it. Some packages cannot be compiled from source on Windows very easily so we need to make the binaries available. This makes the installation process complicated.
We are hoping that with the release of the new bash shell in Windows 10, the installation process may become easier.
Shantanu -
November 24, 2016 at 8:04 am #588
It seems that 1024 truncation problem also exists on win 10. Does anyone have a solution for it ?
August 6, 2017 at 7:58 pm #810
ParticipantHi, experts,
I am using BrainSuite 17a on Windows10 and still unable to install BSS.
There is no bss folder.Best regards,
August 15, 2017 at 5:19 pm #822
ModeratorHi Tetsuya,
We have now ported BSS to R. You can find the link at http://brainsuite.org/bssr
The instructions to install are much simpler and should work for you on Windows.
Can you please give it a try?Thanks,
Shantanu -
August 20, 2017 at 8:33 pm #824
ParticipantHi, Shantanu
Thank you for response.
The installation has completed successfully.
I will try my data and report it.Best regards,
August 20, 2017 at 8:39 pm #825
ModeratorGlad to know the installation worked out.
September 3, 2017 at 11:08 pm #858
I have encountered following error.
bss_cbm_anova.R –subjdir=D/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC –csv=D/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/NC38.csv –hemi=left –main_effect=gender –covariates=age –odir=D/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/NC38_gender_sex –smooth=2.5Error: unexpected symbol in “bss_cbm_anova.R –subjdir=D/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC
September 6, 2017 at 3:00 pm #860
ModeratorHi Tetsuya,
A couple of things…
1. Is the “&” in your path creating this problem?
2. Does your path start with D, or is this D:/ ?Also you could run the stats on the command line, but I would suggest running it through RStudio. It’s easier and you can do this step by step.
I’ve added tutorial slides in the bottom at http://brainsuite.org/bssr/ for standard usage cases.
September 7, 2017 at 1:48 am #862
Thank you for instruction for bssr. There is another error message like this.
Error: Could not determine the BrainSuite atlas used for registration.
Please check the log file D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC/2011101206/2011101206.svreg.log, and check if the subject directory is valid. If using a custom atlas, supply the path in the atlas= argument.
****In avreg.log file, there is a path to the atlas like this.
C:\Program Files\BrainSuite17a\svreg\BrainSuiteAtlas1\mriBest regards,
September 7, 2017 at 8:54 am #863
ModeratorHm.. Is this because of the “&” in the file name?
In RStudio, what does
give you? -
September 7, 2017 at 8:54 am #864
ModeratorHm.. Is this because of the “&” in the file name?
In RStudio, what does
give you?Please not the quotes “” above may not be correctly formatted online. Please don’t copy the command as is, but type in the start and the end quotes.
September 7, 2017 at 4:54 pm #867
Your script gives “character(0)”
If “&” was replaced by “and” the error message is the same as before.
Error: Could not determine the BrainSuite atlas used for registration.
Please check the log file D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTIandMPRAGE/38NC/2011101206/2011101206.svreg.log, and check if the subject directory is valid. If using a custom atlas, supply the path in the atlas= argument -
September 7, 2017 at 4:57 pm #868
ModeratorHi Tetsuya,
Does the path D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTIandMPRAGE/38NC/2011101206 actually exist on disk?
I.e. Does the directory DTIandMPRAGE exist in the directory MRI?
Or did you just change & to and in the command?Thanks,
Shantanu -
September 7, 2017 at 8:34 pm #872
This path really exists on my PC. It is working in previous directory.
I am afraid that “Yen mark” instead of “/” is used to separate directry in
Japanese PC and svreg.log file uses Yen mark.*********************
> dir(“D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC/2011101206/”)
[1] “2011101206.air” “2011101206.bfc.nii.gz”
[3] “2011101206.brain.dfs” “2011101206.bse.nii.gz”
[5] “2011101206.bval” “2011101206.bvec”
[7] “2011101206.cerebrum.mask.nii.gz” “2011101206.cortex.dewisp.mask.nii.gz”
[9] “2011101206.cortex.scrubbed.mask.nii.gz” “2011101206.cortex.tca.mask.nii.gz”
[11] “2011101206.hemi.label.nii.gz” “2011101206.init.cortex.mask.nii.gz”
[13] “2011101206.inner.cortex.dfs” “2011101206.inner_skull.dfs”
[15] “2011101206.left.inner.cortex.dfs” “2011101206.left.inner.cortex.svreg.dfs”
[17] “2011101206.left.mapped.dfc” “2011101206.left.mid.cortex.svreg.dfs”
[19] “2011101206.left.mid.cortex.svreg.init.dfs” “2011101206.left.pial.cortex.dfs”
[21] “2011101206.left.pial.cortex.svreg.dfs” “2011101206.mask.nii.gz”
[23] “2011101206.nii” “2011101206.outer_skull.dfs”
[25] “2011101206.pial.cortex.dfs” “2011101206.pvc.frac.nii.gz”
[27] “2011101206.pvc.label.nii.gz” “2011101206.right.inner.cortex.dfs”
[29] “2011101206.right.inner.cortex.svreg.dfs” “2011101206.right.mapped.dfc”
[31] “2011101206.right.mid.cortex.svreg.dfs” “2011101206.right.mid.cortex.svreg.init.dfs”
[33] “2011101206.right.pial.cortex.dfs” “2011101206.right.pial.cortex.svreg.dfs”
[35] “2011101206.roiwise.stats.txt” “2011101206.roiwise.stats.xlsx”
[37] “2011101206.scalp.dfs” “2011101206.skull.label.nii.gz”
[39] “2011101206.svreg.init.label.nii.gz” “2011101206.svreg.inv.jacobian.nii.gz”
[41] “2011101206.svreg.inv.map.nii.gz” “2011101206.svreg.jacobian.nii.gz”
[43] “2011101206.svreg.label.nii.gz” “2011101206.svreg.log”
[45] “2011101206.svreg.map.nii.gz” “2011101206.warp”
[47] “2011101206diff.nii” “atlas.left.mid.cortex.jacobian.dfs”
[49] “atlas.left.mid.cortex.svreg.dfs” “atlas.right.mid.cortex.jacobian.dfs”
[51] “atlas.right.mid.cortex.svreg.dfs” “brainsuite_labeldescription.xml”
[53] “dicom”> dir(“D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC/2011101206/2011101206.svreg.log”)
> -
September 9, 2017 at 4:41 pm #873
ModeratorHmm. Can you do one more thing?
Type these 3 commands:file.path(‘D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC/’, “2011101206”, ‘*.svreg.log’)
Sys.glob(file.path(‘D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC/’, “2011101206”, ‘*.svreg.log’))
check_file_exists(Sys.glob(file.path(‘D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC/’, “2011101206”, ‘*.svreg.log’)))
September 10, 2017 at 6:15 pm #874
The first,
[1] “D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC//2011101206/*.svreg.log”
The second,
The third,
[1] FALSE -
September 10, 2017 at 6:57 pm #875
ModeratorThanks. I recon this is due to the file separators on Windows.
Can you please do the following?1. Can you run
check_file_exists(“D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC/2011101206/2011101206.svreg.log”)2. Attach/paste the contents of the file 2011101206.svreg.log
3. Run get_brainsuite_install_path()
4. get_brainsuite_atlas_id_from_logfile(“D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC/2011101206/2011101206.svreg.log”)
September 10, 2017 at 7:52 pm #876
ParticipantSorry, the results in previous mail was incorrect.
The first
[1] “D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC//2011101206/*.svreg.log”The second
[1] “D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC//2011101206/2011101206.svreg.log”The third
[1] TRUE -
September 10, 2017 at 8:07 pm #877
ParticipantThis is a reply to the last mail.
[1] TRUE2.
svreg_label_surf_hemi D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206 C:\Program Files\BrainSuite17a\svreg\BrainSuiteAtlas1\mri right -v1
svreg_label_surf_hemi D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206 C:\Program Files\BrainSuite17a\svreg\BrainSuiteAtlas1\mri left -v1
register_cc_curve D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206.svreg.tmp\2011101206.right.mid.cortex_smooth10.dfs
register_cc_curve D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206.svreg.tmp\2011101206.left.mid.cortex_smooth10.dfs
volmap_ball D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206.svreg.tmp\2011101206.target 1 -v1
volmap_ball D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206 1 -v1
svreg_volreg D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206 D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206.target -v1
refine_ROIs2 D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206 left refine_ROIs2 D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206 right -v1 -v1
svreg_refinements D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206 D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206.target -v1
generate_stats_xls D:\Tetsuya\All_data\MRI\DTI&MPRAGE\38NC\2011101206\2011101206 -r3.
[1] “C:/Program Files/BrainSuite17a”4.
Error: Could not determine the BrainSuite atlas used for registration.
Please check the log file D:/Tetsuya/All_data/MRI/DTI&MPRAGE/38NC/2011101206/2011101206.svreg.log, and check if the subject directory is valid. If using a custom atlas, supply the path in the atlas= argument.
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