- This topic has 14 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 6 months ago by
Anand Joshi.
August 16, 2016 at 12:19 pm #293
I got the error while processing the MRI from the Brainstorm tutorial: http://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Tutorials/SegBrainSuite
(btw: this tutorial needs to be updated a bit…)
Welcome to BrainSuite16a (build #2756, built with Qt 5.6.1, compiled with MSVC2013 on Jul 12 2016)
Copyright (C) 2016 The Regents of the University of California
This program is free software and is released under a GNU General Public License; Version 2. For more details, please see the enclosed license files.
BrainSuite uses the Qt GUI Toolkit. The Qt GUI Toolkit is Copyright (C) 2015 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies) and is licensed under the LGPL v2.1.
BrainSuite install directory: C:\Program Files\BrainSuite16a
Using SVReg installed in directory C:\Program Files\BrainSuite16a\svreg
Autosave Prefix is D:\RawData\Anatomy\Subjects\PD\brainsuite_16a/pd
Using Autosave Prefix:D:\RawData\Anatomy\Subjects\PD\brainsuite_16a\pd
Finished file preparation 0.001
Executing: C:\Program Files\BrainSuite16a\svreg\bin\svreg_label_surf_hemi.exe D:\RawData\Anatomy\Subjects\PD\brainsuite_16a\pd C:\Program Files\BrainSuite16a\svreg\BrainSuiteAtlas1\mri left -v1
Executing: C:\Program Files\BrainSuite16a\svreg\bin\svreg_label_surf_hemi.exe D:\RawData\Anatomy\Subjects\PD\brainsuite_16a\pd C:\Program Files\BrainSuite16a\svreg\BrainSuiteAtlas1\mri right -v1
Error running surface labeling. Processing halted.
left log:
Labeling left hemisphere
Computing mid cortical surfaces
Checking Euler Characteristic of input surfaces, it should be 1
Euler characteristic of left Hemi = 1
Computing Smooth cortical representation
Generating Smooth representations of the surface
Performing L2 registration and flattening
Computing faces and vertices connectivity
Applying deformation field from AIR
Pausing for 5 sec. to clear file buffers
Using Executable C:\Program Files\BrainSuite16a\svreg\bin\warp_points.exe
Registering corpus callosum curve
The register_cc_curve program as a part of the RCC package is provided under the terms
of the GNU General Public License, version 2 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.
RCC is based on Coherent Point Drift (CPD) Package provided from
RCC package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with RCC package; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Performing L2 registration
L2 distance minimization started. This can take 10-15 min.
L2 distance minimization is done
Mapping to unit square
Performing curvature registration
No appropriate method, property, or field ‘images’ for class ‘Settings’.Error in iptgetpref (line 50)
Error in useIPPLibrary (line 15)
Error in imfilter>useIPPL (line 296)
Error in imfilter>filterPartOrWhole (line 347)
Error in imfilter (line 179)
Error in imgaussian (line 36)
Error in curvature_registration512g_wt_multi_bs_elastic_xyz_cg (line 62)
Error in curvature_registration_newbs_elastic_xyz (line 73)
Error in svreg_label_surf_hemi (line 166)
MATLAB:noSuchMethodOrFieldright log:
Labeling right hemisphere
Computing mid cortical surfaces
Checking Euler Characteristic of input surfaces, it should be 1
Euler characteristic of right Hemi = -1
New Euler characteristic of right Hemi = -1
Computing Smooth cortical representation
Generating Smooth representations of the surface
Performing L2 registration and flattening
Computing faces and vertices connectivity
Applying deformation field from AIR
Pausing for 5 sec. to clear file buffers
Using Executable C:\Program Files\BrainSuite16a\svreg\bin\warp_points.exe
Registering corpus callosum curve
The register_cc_curve program as a part of the RCC package is provided under the terms
of the GNU General Public License, version 2 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.
RCC is based on Coherent Point Drift (CPD) Package provided from
RCC package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with RCC package; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Performing L2 registration
L2 distance minimization started. This can take 10-15 min.
L2 distance minimization is done
Mapping to unit square
Performing curvature registration
No appropriate method, property, or field ‘images’ for class ‘Settings’.Error in iptgetpref (line 50)
Error in useIPPLibrary (line 15)
Error in imfilter>useIPPL (line 296)
Error in imfilter>filterPartOrWhole (line 347)
Error in imfilter (line 179)
Error in imgaussian (line 36)
Error in curvature_registration512g_wt_multi_bs_elastic_xyz_cg (line 62)
Error in curvature_registration_newbs_elastic_xyz (line 73)
Error in svreg_label_surf_hemi (line 166)
MATLAB:noSuchMethodOrFieldRegister and Label Brain took 7:05.278
August 16, 2016 at 1:16 pm #294
Anand Joshi
ModeratorHi Francois,
Thank you for reporting this. Did you get similar errors on other datasets (if you have processed other brains) with BrainSuite or only this one?
Anand -
August 16, 2016 at 1:20 pm #295
ParticipantIt’s the only one I tried…
August 16, 2016 at 3:20 pm #296
Anand Joshi
ModeratorHi Francois,
BrainSuite+SVReg is running fine on my computer so far. It has passed the stage where it showed error.
I am working with sample_auditory dataset. I downloaded it from brainstorm site, created a new subject in brainstorm and imported anatomy for sample_auditory there. Then I exported the mri as T1.nii
I ran brainsuite on this data with default parameters, except at skull extraction, I chose Edge constant=0.63 and Erosion Size=2.
Can you please make sure that this change was done when you ran the sequence? It could have caused bad extraction and then error later.The following was mentioned on the BrainSuite tutorial webpage on the BrainStorm site but now seems to be removed in the subsequent edits. I will reinsert it. Hope that it is fine.
For this tutorial data, the parameters for skull extraction need to be changed to get optimal results. Please set ‘Edge Constant=0.63’ and ‘Erosion Size=2’.
August 17, 2016 at 7:13 am #297
ParticipantHi Anand,
I got exactly the same error with the default values and with Edge Constant=0.63 and Erosion Size=2.
Except that in the second case (modified values), the pole of the frontal lobes is missing.
I removed this line from the tutorial because modifying these values was giving results that were worse than with the default values.The file that should be processed in this tutorial is the following (I fixed the download link):
ftp://neuroimage.usc.edu/pub/auditory_tutorial_T1.zipRight now I cannot use BrainSuite 16a on Windows 10 because the SVReg step is not working.
August 17, 2016 at 12:16 pm #298
Anand Joshi
ModeratorHi Francois,
I tried the volume you shared and it ran fine with all default parameters (no change in skull extraction or other parameters).
Can you try with default parameters and if it fails, can you please share the directory with all the outputs generated up to that point? I will try to see if I can figure out where things are diverging compared to my run on the same subject.
August 17, 2016 at 12:26 pm #299
Participant -
August 17, 2016 at 2:08 pm #300
Anand Joshi
ModeratorHi Francois,
I am running SVReg sequence on the data that you shared and it is running fine. Do you have full Matlab or MCR for 2015b installed at the default location? Perhaps, one thing to try is that you have Matlab MCR for 2015b installed in default location. If you have any suggestions on how I can reproduce this error, that would be helpful. Do you have anything special in your Matlab/Windows installation (added third party library etc)? Anand -
August 17, 2016 at 2:41 pm #301
ParticipantI have both the MCR 2015b and MATLAB 2015b installed on my computer.
None of them are in “standard installation path”.
I do not have any additional libraries saved in my Matlab path.How do you define from BrainSuite what is the base folder of Matlab?
NB: You should never be relying on “standard path”, this cannot be deployed properly.
On Windows systems, you can get the installation folders from the following registry keys:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\MathWorks\MATLAB Runtime\9.0
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MathWorks\MATLAB Runtime\9.0
Check the script brainstorm3/bin/R2015b/brainstorm3.bat for example on how to get these values from a shell script.-
August 17, 2016 at 4:31 pm #302
Anand Joshi
ModeratorHi Francois,
Thanks, if you are using windows system, then the compiled exe will figure out the path for MCR or Matlab runtime automatically, based on registry keys I think, but for Linux and Mac, one has to do some modifications to the svreg script.
I have never seen this error before and cann’t reproduce it here, so not sure how to proceed. I am trying it on another computer. If you have any suggestion on how to reproduce it here it would be helpful. Since the error came from settings of image processing toolbox, did you have any change in setting for that toolbox?
August 17, 2016 at 4:39 pm #303
ParticipantI don’t have the signal processing toolbox in my MATLAB installation, I guess this is the source of the error.
In this case, I guess I should specify that I want to use the MCR instead of the full Matlab installation.
How can I change the Matlab base path that is used in BrainSuite? -
August 17, 2016 at 5:16 pm #304
Anand Joshi
ModeratorAccording to the following link, it should not matter, but it also says the following.
To run deployed MATLAB code against MATLAB Runtime install, mcr_root\ver\runtime\win32|win64 must appear on your system path before matlabroot\runtime\win32|win64.
If mcr_root\ver\runtime\arch appears first on the compiled application path, the application uses the files in the MATLAB Runtime install area.
If matlabroot\runtime\arch appears first on the compiled application path, the application uses the files in the MATLAB installation area.It is worth trying to set environment PATH variable such that MCR appears before Matlab.
August 18, 2016 at 9:16 am #306
ParticipantI exchanged the order of the two folders (MATLAB and MCR) in the system path and it looks like it’s working!
Thanks -
August 18, 2016 at 9:47 am #307
ParticipantHowever, the results are better with the default parameters than with ‘Edge Constant=0.63’ and ‘Erosion Size=2’. If we do what you recommend on this MRI, there is a part of the frontal lobes that is not classified as brain and that is not included in the final cortex surfaces.
Can you please double-check this and then delete the comment you added again on the Brainstorm tutorial?
August 18, 2016 at 11:01 am #308
Anand Joshi
ModeratorHi Francois,
Yes, the default parameters work better for this volume and I deleted the comment about parameter change.
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