I want to use BDP to run registration based distortion correction for my 4D dti
image, but I don't find any flag to enter image T1. Could you please explain me
how to use it? Many thanks.
Thank you so much for your reply. So <prefix_filename>.dwi.RAS.bvec and <prefix_filename>.dwi.RAS.correct.nii.gz are my new bvec rotated and dti with epi distprtion corrected? Thanks.
Yes, <prefix_filename>.dwi.RAS.correct.nii.gz is distortion corrected diffusion-weighted images and <prefix_filename>.dwi.RAS.bvec is corresponding bvec file.
Hi, currently we do not support motion correction. One way you can correct for motion is by rigid registration of all diffusion weighted images with one reference image (like a b=0 image). You can use our affine registration addon tool to achieve this – https://neuroimage.usc.edu/neuro/Resources/BDPAddons#affineReg
T1w image is the first argument to BDP on command line. See below for usage. This file should be the bias-field corrected output from BrainSuite in nifti-1 format.