BSSR Rockland25 Dataset & RStudio

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    • #3480

      Hello experts,

      I did not understand how to concatenate the data (.svreg data/images and demographics .csv) from the tutorial slides to analyze using RStudio and BrainSuite visualization. I mean where is exactly the link address to download the .svreg/image/.csv?

      So I’ve tried with the BrainSuite exercise subject ‘2523412.nii.gz’ that has the all preprocess data (BFC/SVReg/BDP), and created a .csv arbitrary for R programming (containing, subject ID, gender, and handedness).


      > library(bssr)
      Finding BrainSuite atlas file paths…Done. Valid BrainSuite installation found at C:/Program Files/BrainSuite21a
      > bss_data <- load_bss_data(type=”dbm”,subjdir = “C:/Users/italo/OneDrive/Documentos/DTI/BrainSuite/Data/BrainSuiteTutorialCSE”,csv = “C:/Users/italo/OneDrive/Documentos/DTI/BrainSuite/Data/participants.tsv”, measure=”FA”, smooth=2)
      Error: Could not find svreg.log in the subject directory C:/Users/italo/OneDrive/Documentos/DTI/BrainSuite/Data/BrainSuiteTutorialCSE/2523412,M,L. Please check if the subject directory is valid.
      > ?check_file_exists
      > ?file.path
      > check_file_exists(file.path(“C:/Users/italo/OneDrive/Documentos/DTI/BrainSuite/Data/BrainSuiteTutorialCSE”, “2523412”, “*.svreg.log”))
      [1] FALSE
      > check_file_exists(“C:/Users/italo/OneDrive/Documentos/DTI/BrainSuite/Data/BrainSuiteTutorialCSE/2523412.svreg.log”)
      [1] TRUE

      How to solve that?

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