Reply To: BDP – error initializing matlab runtime


Yes certainly, I will report back on the execstack once I can reboot my computer.

Regarding mask, yes the t1 mask looks good as well. In fact, I ran BDP successfully on these data before (on another linux system), and during my current tests all the code and data files are exactly the same, so it’s quite strange. It’s not recognizing that I’m submitting the –dwi-mask flag.

Here is BDP log…

BDP Version: 17a (build #0072), released 2017-06-22

Setting up dataset and inputs
Reading input flags…

Checking input files…

Processing data with fileprefix:

Co-registration and Distortion Correction
Reading the input parameters for co-registration…
Total memory (physical+swap) found: 181.09GB

Checking orientation information…Done
Extracting 0-diffusion (b=0) image from input DWIs…

* *
* Error running BDP *
* *
* *

Error message:
BDP encountered an error while estimating the brain-mask for the input diffusion

Error help/resolution:
Please define a mask for diffusion volume by using flag –dwi-mask
<mask_filename>. The mask can be generated and hand edited in BrainSuite
