April 8, 2017 at 1:31 am
Hi to all,
I think I’ve the same problem.
The <fileprefix>.dwi.RSA.nii.gz to me looks reasonable. (https://www.dropbox.com/s/fdhhn9l1futgst9/Screen%20Shot%202017-04-08%20at%2010.22.02.png?dl=0)
I try to run the command line with a mask defined by me:
/Applications/BrainSuite16a1/bdp/bdp.sh t1.bfc.nii.gz –dwi-mask dti_brain_mask.nii.gz –tensor –FRT –FRACT –nii dti.nii -g dti.bvec -b dti.bval
and changing the dwi masking method:
/Applications/BrainSuite16a1/bdp/bdp.sh t1.bfc.nii.gz –dwi-masking-method intensity –tensor –FRT –FRACT –nii dti.nii -g dti.bvec -b dti.bval
but same error appear.
This is the outputlog link:
Do you have any suggestion?
Best Regards