Reply To: BDP Windows vs. Linux


Hi David,
I’m excited to hear there will be a new version coming out soon. As for my troubles, they are the same when I run the GUI either with the Anatomical Pipeline or stepping through. I start with a DWI with bval and bvec in a dedicated folder. When the Pial Surface step begins, a small black box pops up and the entire BrainSuite program shuts down. With terminal, I have been able to run bdp successfully, if I somehow get the correct bfc, but the bdp program often rejects the bfc file created in the earlier stages of the Pipeline. The error message includes the phrase “Matrix is singular.” Also, when running bdp, I don’t have a label file for the process, I presume because that file is created in the pial step.
Is this what you need? And, again, let me thank you for your time.