Reply To: Error in find_bounding_box


After this I still with the same error (doing with files from the tutorial steps [2523412.nii.gz]).

(Windows Here) I put:

C:\Users\LNI_Users\Documents\Italo_Cesar\BrainSuite\Tutorial\BrainSuiteTutorialCSE>bdp.exe 2523412.bfc.nii.gz –tensor –FRT –FRACT –nii 2523412.dwi.nii.gz -g 2523412.dwi.bvec -b 2523412.dwi.bval –dwi-mask 2523412.dwi.RAS.mask.nii.gz (This mask that has ‘.dwi’ and ‘.mask’)

Returned me:

“Reading input flags…

Checking input files…

BDP could not find any .mask.nii.gz file. BDP will use input bfc file itself as
brain mask for registration and statistics. All voxels with intensity>0 in bfc
will be treated as voxels in brain. You can specify a custom brain mask by using
flag –t1-mask <maskfile_name>. The custom mask must overlay correctly with
input BFC image in BrainSuite.

Processing data with fileprefix:

Am I put the wrong mask setup? Here is the two ‘.mask.nii.gz’: ‘2523412.dwi.RAS.less_csf.mask.nii.gz’ and ‘2523412.dwi.RAS.mask.nii.gz’.

What should I do?