Reply To: how to present the statistical results on the brain template


> load_bss_data
function (type = “cbm”, subjdir = “”, csv = “”,
hemi = “left”, smooth = 0, roiids = 0, roimeas = “gmthickness”,
measure = “”, atlas = “”, eddy = TRUE)
valid_types <- c(“cbm”, “tbm”, “roi”, “dbm”,
if (!type %in% valid_types)
stop(sprintf(“Valid data types are %s.”, paste(valid_types,
collapse = “, “)), call. = FALSE)
switch(type, cbm = {
bss_data <- load_cbm_data(subjdir = subjdir, csv = csv,
hemi = hemi, smooth = smooth)
}, tbm = {
bss_data <- load_tbm_data(subjdir = subjdir, csv = csv,
smooth = smooth, atlas = atlas)
}, dbm = {
bss_data <- load_dbm_data(subjdir = subjdir, csv = csv,
measure = measure, smooth = smooth, atlas = atlas,
eddy = eddy)
}, roi = {
bss_data <- load_roi_data(subjdir, csv, roiids, roimeas)

I did this step, is it right?