(Inadvertently started this thread in the CES forum)
This is a fantastic tool, but some images give us trouble.
We run these scripts using the command line tools:
1) Cortical extraction sequence, then
2) SVreg, then
3) svreg_labelwith_atlas
We use Matlab to initiate the scripts. Win10. i7. 32GB RAM. BrainSuite 18b
Usually this works great.
Sometimes we find an image that fails in this pipeline.
Sometimes rebooting and running on fresh restart with no other programs running works, sometimes not.
This machine has 32 GB RAM, so memory should not be an issue.
I finally found a file that reproducibly fails to complete these 3 steps.
I cannot get svreg to complete.
—>>>HOWEVER the same image completes with no issues using the GUI.
I am convinced that there is a bug in the Windows command line tool for svreg.
I am happy to attach the image that is problematic.