Reply To: registration process error


Hi, I have the same issue. Something is wrong with the warp_points.exe file. The program just stops to work with “Registration error” message. The log is:

Welcome to BrainSuite18a (build #3115, built with Qt 5.6.3, compiled with MSVC2015 on Feb 28 2018)
Copyright (C) 2018 The Regents of the University of California
This program is free software and is released under a GNU General Public License; Version 2. For more details, please see the enclosed license files.
BrainSuite uses the Qt GUI Toolkit. The Qt GUI Toolkit is Copyright (C) 2015 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies) and is licensed under the LGPL v2.1.
BrainSuite install directory: C:\Program Files\BrainSuite18a
Using SVReg installed in directory C:\Program Files\BrainSuite18a\svreg
Finished file preparation 0.000
Executing: C:\Program Files\BrainSuite18a\svreg\bin\svreg_label_surf_hemi.exe D:\ADMI\BrainSuite\tests\d\IXI603-HH-2701-T1 C:\Program Files\BrainSuite18a\svreg\BrainSuiteAtlas1\mri left -v1
Executing: C:\Program Files\BrainSuite18a\svreg\bin\svreg_label_surf_hemi.exe D:\ADMI\BrainSuite\tests\d\IXI603-HH-2701-T1 C:\Program Files\BrainSuite18a\svreg\BrainSuiteAtlas1\mri right -v1
Error running surface labeling. Processing halted.
left log:
Labeling left hemisphere
Computing mid cortical surfaces
Checking Euler Characteristic of input surfaces, it should be 1
Euler characteristic of left Hemi = -3
New Euler characteristic of left Hemi = -3
Computing Smooth cortical representation
Generating Smooth representations of the surface
Performing L2 registration and flattening
Computing faces and vertices connectivity
Applying deformation field from AIR
Pausing for 5 sec. to clear file buffers
Using Executable C:\Program Files\BrainSuite18a\svreg\bin\warp_points.exe
SVREG Warning: .warp file was not in correct format. Continuing after trying to fix.
Error using readdfs (line 61)
Unable to read:D:\ADMI\BrainSuite\tests\d\IXI603-HH-2701-T1.svreg.tmp\

Error in surf_align_autocorrect_with_AIR (line 159)

Error in align_surf_curves (line 62)

Error in surf_flatten_newbs (line 32)

Error in svreg_label_surf_hemi (line 163)

right log:
Labeling right hemisphere
Computing mid cortical surfaces
Checking Euler Characteristic of input surfaces, it should be 1
Euler characteristic of right Hemi = 1
Computing Smooth cortical representation
Generating Smooth representations of the surface
Performing L2 registration and flattening
Computing faces and vertices connectivity
Applying deformation field from AIR
Pausing for 5 sec. to clear file buffers
Using Executable C:\Program Files\BrainSuite18a\svreg\bin\warp_points.exe
SVREG Warning: .warp file was not in correct format. Continuing after trying to fix.
Error using readdfs (line 61)
Unable to read:D:\ADMI\BrainSuite\tests\d\IXI603-HH-2701-T1.svreg.tmp\

Error in surf_align_autocorrect_with_AIR (line 159)

Error in align_surf_curves (line 62)

Error in surf_flatten_newbs (line 32)

Error in svreg_label_surf_hemi (line 163)